Packing and Packaging

Packaging is critically important for the products that we use every day.

Correct packaging not only identifies what’s inside, but it protects the product during shipping until it reaches its destination, and more goes into this procedure than you might realize. According to McKinsey, global packaging is a $900 billion per year industry. But unless it’s part of your job or you’re sending gifts to someone, you may not think of packaging too often.

Standard packing and packaging for consumer goods is a detailed operation, but before most products reach that stage, the raw chemicals go through a unique flaking, pastillating, packaging, storage, and transportation process at different facilities along the supply chain. For the chemical industry, this is known as bulk container packaging, a multi-billion-dollar industry itself.

At an oleochemical sourcing facility like Cremer North America, packing and packaging are some of the most crucial services we perform.

Correct packing is a vital and sensitive part of chemical handling and safety. That is why we must adhere to several specific standards and regulations to ensure safe packaging, storage, and transport.

One of the most common chemicals we prepare for packing and packaging is glycerin. Depending on the needs of the customer, we package glycerin or other liquids in different containers for bulk/liquid storage every day. Most often, these include drums, and intermediate bulk containers (IBC’s) for shipping.

Each container has its own unique characteristics and must be handled with specific care accordingly.

Drums, for example, are the cylindrical-shaped containers (barrels) that you’ve probably seen on a truck, at an auto shop, or some other facility. These drums are used for the packaging and shipping of various chemicals and pharmaceutical and industrial liquids. Standard drums have a capacity of 200 liters (52 gallons) and undergo regular inspections to make sure they’re properly sealed, transported, and stored in their specific areas. One of the biggest advantages of packaging chemicals this way is that the drums can be reused, depending on what liquid they contain.

IBCs, or intermediate bulk containers, are large, square shaped containers that hold up to 1,000 liters of liquid. IBCs are typically made of plastic supported with metal and are used to store and transport more volatile or hazardous chemicals, as well as bulk liquids for industrial lubricants and essential oils.

These liquids go through these packing stages all before the chemicals inside are formed into the consumer products that you’re familiar with. So, the next time you open that tube of toothpaste or skin cream, it first went through a packaging and shipping process like we do here at Cremer.

Each part of the oleochemical sourcing and processing operation – including packing and packaging – is critical to getting the final products to their destinations. By following careful procedures at each step, we are proud to help contribute to community and environmental safety while helping to make the products we use in our daily lives.

For more information on our packing and packaging services, visit

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3131 River Road, Cincinnati, OH 45204 | (513) 471-7200
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